Irena Joannides

Irena Joannides

Whether directing films, producing television, radio and live shows, Irena has led creative teams since the beginning of her career. She started out as one of Toronto’s leading event producers, directing over 100 live shows. Then she turned to broadcasting; she worked in radio as producer, writer and host of weekly programs and special features. Her television work includes series producing, segment producing, writing and reporting. She produced, directed and wrote three independent films, which have screened at over 70 festivals worldwide  including at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, at the BIG Torino Biennale as one of only nine shorts selected from the entire world, and competed in preselection for the Academy Awards. They have garnered 14 international prizes including SPECIAL JURY PRIZES and BEST FILM awards. Irena has recently completed production of a human-interest documentary series she created for Rogers TV, Canada, NEIGHBOURHOOD STORIES (2010, 6 x 28 min, HD). She has written screenplays for short and feature films, some of which have been produced or optioned. Her short stories have been featured in literary magazines and anthologies. As a literature translator she has countless publications to her credit. Her artwork has appeared in publications, and included in art exhibitions.

Valesta 36Α, 2370 Agios Dometios,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 35 80 28


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